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Comic Book Sandwiches

Writer: Meghan Lowder-PaulMeghan Lowder-Paul

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

We concluded BWB with some really delicious sandwiches with some killer homemade bread. Jacqueline made Harley's Egg Sandwich from Birds of Prey (naturally) and Meghan made Fitz's Sandwich from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. This time Jacqueline had to make hers twice.




  • 177 grams all-purpose flour

  • 1/16th tsp instant yeast

  • 177 grams water

Main Dough:

  • 361 grams all-purpose flour

  • 1 packet (7 grams) instant yeast

  • 2 tsp (12 grams) kosher salt

  • 2 Tbsp (14 grams) instant non-fat milk

  • 152 grams water

  • 3 Tbsp (35 grams) olive oil

Sandwich Fillings:

  • 4 slices bacon

  • ½ cup water

  • 2 duck (or chicken) eggs

  • 2 slices American cheese

  • Hot sauce


Homemade Ciabatta

  1. Start by making a pre-ferment with 177 grams of all-purpose flour, 1/16th tsp of instant yeast and 177 grams of room temperature water. Mix together until it resembles a too-thick pancake batter. Wrap tight in plastic wrap and let sit at room temperature for 8 hours, then refrigerate overnight.

  2. For the main dough, add the following to the bowl of your stand mixer: 361 grams of all-purpose flour, 1 packet (7 grams) of instant yeast, 2 tsp (12 grams) of kosher salt, 2 Tbsp (14 grams) of instant non-fat milk, the entirety of the pre-ferment, 152 grams of lukewarm water, and 3 Tbsp (35 grams) of olive oil.

  3. Mix together using the paddle attachment. Once it all comes together, remove the paddle and replace with a dough hook and knead on medium-low speed for 7-8 minutes until smooth, shiny, and sticky.

  4. Use the dough stickiness to roll into a taught ball. Place it into a well-oiled bowl and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Let rest at room temperature for 2-3 hours, or more than doubled in size.

  5. Using an oiled rubber spatula, fold the dough in and on itself, turning the bowl as you go, 8 times. Cover and let rest for 30 minutes and then repeat the process one time.

  6. After another 30 minutes, spread the dough into a large rectangle on a well-floured work surface. Pop any huge bubbles that appear, and then trim the dough into your desired size ciabatta pieces - I recommend 4x6 inches or 4x8 inches.

  7. Set the pieces of dough on a heavily floured piece of parchment paper set in a rimmed baking sheet. Cover with an inverted rimmed baking sheet. Let proof and rest at room temperature for 1 hour.

  8. Cut the parchment in half (so you have half the dough on one side), spritz dough pieces generously with water, and sprinkle with a little more flour. Use a pizza peel to place the dough on a preheated pizza stone in a 450°F oven. Bake for 18-20 minutes, until browned and puffed.

  9. Brush off the excess flour and let cool for at least one hour.

  10. Use a shallow rimmed baking sheet as a cutting template to cut the bread in half with a bread knife. Proceed to sandwich assembly!

Sandwich Assembly

  1. On the stove top, place 4 slices of bacon in a heavy cast iron pan topping with ½ cup of water and over medium heat. Once the water has evaporated and the bacon starts to brown, give it a flip and cook to your desired crispiness.

  2. Toast the ciabatta buns in the cast iron pan using the leftover bacon grease. Remove buns from pan and top with bacon.

  3. To cook the eggs, pour a little extra bacon grease into a cast iron skillet, then crack two duck (or chicken) eggs into the pan. Fry sunny side up until the sides are brown and toasty. Add 2 slices of American cheese to the top. Cover the pan with a lid until the cheese melts, the whites set, and the yolk is still runny.

  4. Hit the cheese with a few glugs of hot sauce and the place the egg-cheese-hot sauce combo on the ciabatta bread on top of the bacon.



For the biga:

  • 1/4 tsp yeast

  • 1/2 cup room temperature water

  • 5 ounces all purpose flour

  • 10 ounces all purpose flour

  • 1/2 tsp instant yeast

  • 1 1/2 tsp kosher salt

  • 3/4 cup room temperature water

  • 1/4 cup room temperature milk

For the pesto and pesto aioli:

  • 1/4 cup toasted pine nuts

  • 1 cup packed basil leaves

  • 1 garlic clove

  • 3-4 Tbsp olive oil

  • Salt & pepper to taste

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 3 cloves garlic, grated

  • 1/4-1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

For building the sandwich:

  • 1 pound San Daniele prosciutto

  • 2 six-ounce balls of buffalo mozzarella, sliced

  • 1 beefsteak tomato, sliced

  • 4 ounces baby arugula (rocket)


  1. Make the biga: In a small bowl, combine first yeast, water, and flour - stir until a sticky paste forms. Scrape down the sides of the bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let ferment at room temperature for at least 8 hours, up to 24 hours.

  2. Combine the biga with the remaining ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer. Mix for 1-2 minutes on medium speed, until the ingredients are homogenous. Replace the paddle attachment with the dough hook, and knead on medium-high speed for 10 minutes, until dough is shiny and smooth. Pull the dough off the hook and pour into a large oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rest for 30 minutes.

  3. After 30 minutes, remove the plastic wrap, oil a rubber spatula, and fold the dough onto itself 8 times, rotating the bowl so every part of the dough gets turned. Replace the plastic wrap, rest for an additional 30 minutes, and repeat the process 2 more times.

  4. Preheat oven to 450°F with a pizza stone set in the center of the oven. Turn the dough out onto an extremely liberally-floured surface. Divide into 3 equal pieces, and roughly shape each into a 12x9” rectangle, flouring underneath if the dough sticks. Fold the dough onto itself like a letter, resulting in a 12x3” loaf. Repeat with remaining pieces, and place each loaf on a sheet of parchment paper cut just larger than the size of the loaves. Dust with flour, cover with plastic wrap, and let rest for another 20 minutes.

  5. Remove the plastic wrap, spray down the loaves with water from a spray bottle, and slide onto the pizza stone. Bake for 22-30 minutes, until deeply golden brown on the outside, registering 210°F inside. Place on a wire rack and allow to cool completely before assembling the sandwich.

  6. Make the pesto aioli: In a small food processor or blender, combine pine nuts, basil, and olive oil. Process until smooth, adding olive oil as necessary until a smooth pesto forms. In a medium bowl, combine egg yolk and grated garlic. Whisking vigorously and constantly, slowly stream olive oil down the side of the bowl. Whisk the oil in until a thick aioli forms, and whisk in the pesto, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.

  7. Assemble the sandwich: slice two loaves in half lengthwise, and generously spread pesto aioli on the top half. On the bottom half, begin shingling slices of prosciutto folded in half, until you have at least two layers of prosciutto. Top the meat with slices of buffalo mozzarella, followed by tomatoes, then arugula. Place the top on the sandwich, slice in half, and serve, repeating with second sandwich.

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